Monday, April 6, 2009

Little kids--gotta love 'em


Last week, I photographed 3, 4, and 5 year olds at Mother Goose preschool. Sandy and I have been working together for MANY years and wish we'd written down the funny things the little kids have said. You never know what they will reveal! When asked about their favorite pizza, I've learned that there is macaroni pizza or "I don't like pizza at all!". Once I asked a little boy if his daddy had stinky feet, and he said "Yes, when he comes home from the drilling rig and takes his shoes off!". They are experts about Sponge Bob and Dora the Explorer, and Spider Man. Sometimes, they won't say anything, and then there are those who won't quit talking.
Imagine, thirteen 4 year olds, each with a blue cap and gown, with a tassle that moves back and forth--A LOT, especially when they move their head. Put them in one photo for a group photo and heads are moving and caps are sliding off, and hands are moving and bodies are wiggling--and there you have it: the perfect storm! That's when I bring out my funny puppet or my yellow magic tickle feather (a glorified feather dust that's never seen dust). I tickle them each once on the face and race back to my camera, then start to come back to them, and--MAGIC--the smiles on all faces with all eyes on me--ALL AT THE SAME TIME. It was fun and I laughed a lot. So enjoy their sweet faces. They are future Eagles and Wildcats and who knows what else!